Monthly Archives: February 2015

Replace Your Peanut Butter With This Tasty Mac Nut Butter Recipe

mac nuts

Are you looking for a healthier, tastier alternative to store-bought peanut butter? We know just the thing to please your taste buds: homemade macadamia nut butter made with crunchy and delicious mac nuts. This tasty spread can be used just as you would use peanut butter — in sandwiches, in recipes, and even spread on toast. It’s simple […]

Honey is Forever, and Science Explains Why

honey from Hawaii

Have you heard of cases in which archaeologists discover unspoiled pots of honey that are thousands of years old but still safe to eat? It’s not a myth — raw honey, like our all-natural Hawaiian honey, really can last forever. Even after sitting around for thousands of years, honey is safe and delicious to eat. There […]

Get the Perfect Coffee Grind by Finding the Right Burr Grinder

coffee from Hawaii

Every aspect of how coffee is handled, from the soil in which it is grown to the way it is ground, affects the flavor that ends up in your cup. We take care of our Hawaiian Ka’u coffee beans until they reach your doorstep — then it’s up to you to grind them and create […]

Were Candy Hearts Disappointing This Year? Treat Yourself to Our Chocolate Treats

chocolate treats from Hawaii

Did you receive a box of candy filled with disappointing chocolates this Valentine’s Day? Even though your sweetheart meant well, it’s hard to avoid feeling let down when you think you’re going to bite into something delicious, but instead what you discover is dry, flavorless chocolate stuffed with a mystery filling of dubious quality. If you’re still craving […]

Fight the K-Cup Monster!

coffee from Hawaii

They let you brew a cup of coffee quickly and easily, but at what expense? K-Cups are marketed on convenience, but behind every quick and disposable coffee pod is a dirty little secret: they’re piling up in landfills faster than you can say “java.” By buying buying freshly roasted  Hawaiian Ka’u coffee, you can enjoy a more […]

Go Ahead, Grab Another Piece of Dark Chocolate, Your Dentist Won’t Mind

chocolate treats from Hawaii

The next time you find yourself craving a rich piece of dark chocolate, you don’t have to leave the room and do deep breathing exercises until the craving passes. Indulging your chocolate craving periodically is not as bad for you as you might think. In fact, recent studies show that eating a little dark chocolate […]

One Woman’s Tantrum Sparks a Macadamia Nut Craze

macadamia nuts

When most people think of macadamia nuts, they imagine the crunchy goodness and creamy flavors of these delicious Hawaiian treats. Who would ever suspect that an innocent little nut could cause drama and temper tantrums? Strangely, that’s exactly what happened on a recent Korean Air Lines flight. The event has sparked a macadamia nut craze […]