As 2022 comes to an end, we thought it would be a good time to post an updated look at the many wonderful non-human beings that inhabit our little piece of paradise here on the southern tip of the Big Island of Hawaii.
In no particular order:
Here’s Penny, our now HUGE one year old piggie mascot:

Penny just showed up at the farm a year ago, when she was a teeny tiny baby pig. Now she’s about 300 lbs. and still growing!
Next we have our parrot population:

Next we have Pico, our 15 year old indoor cat:

And a few of the barn cats that took up residence here, eating the food we provide instead of eating mice and rats. Apparently they don’t like to work for a living. The two gray tigers are less than a year old, and we have no idea where that tiny black & white kitten came from:

Our Muscovy Ducks and Guinea Fowl, eating their breakfast. That big black “duck” in the middle is, of course, Penny who seems to think she’s just one of the flock:

And finally our “farm mammals” Shirley the Sheep, Matilda the Goat, and Kai, our gelding. Shirley and Matilda are both at least 10 years old, and Kai is about 16 years old:

Hau’oli Makahiki Hou to one and all.
Hau’oli Makahiki Hou to all of you and many thanks for the AWESOME products and customer service you provide!
Mahalo, and a very joyous and healthy new year to you!